What are hotel accommodations like?

Most visitors to Bhutan take the standard tourist tour package that includes Bhutanese style 3-star hotel accommodation with private bathroom. In order for you to get the best from your Bhutan experience, we urge you to consider the following points.

Please don’t expect your hotel to be any more than a basic 3 star property, and you won’t be disappointed. Rooms with double beds are somewhat rare. We can request one for you but please expect twin beds in many hotel rooms. All hotels offer private bathrooms, however the hot water supply can be ‘erratic’ in some valleys in Bhutan.

Farm-stay accommodation offers shared western style toilet and very limited washing facilities (no showers!) and we do recommend you carry a hand towel with you on farm stays, as towels are not always available.

It is possible to stay in very luxurious 4 and 5 star hotels, however; we can work with you to determine the level of luxury you’d enjoy on your trip at an extra cost!